Bug Reports.

Accidents will happen and I'm only human. If you find a bug or you think you might have found a bug, please print out the following form on you printer, fill in the neccessary details, and sent it to the address mentioned on it. Thanks!

All four programs

Known Problems:

Some fixed width fonts cause the program to crash. I need to fortify the font loading function to forego this.

GoldEd has a problem with inline ". It seems to eat them. I'm sorry about this, but I don't use the package that often and couldn't find a solution for it. maybe some GoldEd guru out there can help?

Sometimes specifying negative values for the ARexx Window Move command does not seem to be doing what they are supposed to do... Very elusive problem. But i'm looking into it.

When started from the icon, the programs default to looking for RX in the SYS:Rexxc directory. When you moved the RX command and are an unregistered user you are in trouble. The problem is it seems I can't rely 100% that WB knows the full path. Anyway, for registered users it's just a question of setting the RXPATH tooltype to the path where RX can be found. Unregistered users will have to register to solve this problem. or move RX back to the Sys:RexxC directory...
Be careful when using the Upper/Lower case tooltype in combination with the NetScape tags. As some of these are case-sensitive. Just leave the tooltype at it's Default Uppercase setting should prevent any such problems.
I just found out that Amiga Ed uses the / as a string terminator. And as the / is a very important character in HTML (End tags's) the usability of the HTML-Heaven package with Amiga's Ed is somewhat limited. Currently I can't solve this due to lack of decent documentation on Ed's Arexx capabilities.


Known Problems:


Known Problems:

With 2.04 a string gadget is tacked onto the bottom of the listview gadgets. I'm in the process of locating the 2.04 includes to see if there is a way to suppress this.

it looks like the listview gadgets don't fully adjust (height) to the height of the window. Eg there is a space several pixels wide. This is not the program, but GadTools.library. It sizes listviews by multiples of the font height it seems. Decrease your windowheight by the amount of free pixel rows is all I can suggest at this point.


Known Problems:

Edit Tag mode won't work. It complains it can't open the required requester window. (More precisely, it doesn't seem to be able to create the gadgets in that window.) Which is weird as it uses a shared module with which none of the other programs have problems. And HTML-Wizard was developed from the source of HTML-Genie.


Known Problems:

With 2.04 a string gadget is tacked onto the bottom of the listview gadgets. I'm in the process of locating the 2.04 includes to see if there is a way to suppress this.

Sometimes it looks like the listview gadgets don't fully adjust (height) to the height of the window. Eg there is a space several pixels wide. This is not the program, but GadTools.library. It sizes listviews by multiples of the font height it seems. Decrease your windowheight by the amount of free pixel rows is all I can suggest at this point.

ToDo List:

Create a Dutch and a German language version of the programs. These will only materialize if enough registrations come in to warrant the amount of time it will take to translate all the text.

Add HTML+ commands. As soon as I can find a command list of HTML+ commands I will add them in. (If you have such a list, please e-mail it to me at html-heaven@serena.iaehv.nl.)

Create a master program that can start and stop any of the four programs in the suite by having the user just click a button. (Ain't ARexx great?)

If Uli finishes the EGS editor and adds ARexx support, create an EGS version of the HTML-Heaven suite. Now if only somebody would create EGS-Mosaic or the likes... :-)

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Page created using HTML-Heaven. ©1994 by Paul Kolenbrander (paul@serena.iaehv.nl)